Okay first I read some short stories by Richard Matheson and it was awesome. I mean I was reading them and thought he kinda has a sense of humor. Then I read The Flourishing of the Strumpets and Creeping Terror, and yeah, he'sa funny guy.
Button Button was the basis for The Box. Which I already hate the movie without seeing because of (Spoiler alert) aliens. Movies that end with aliens without certain build ups are copping out. I mean God Told Me To was a good movie, but Knowing? It does this suspense thing and then BAM!! Aliens are resetting the world.
My sister spoiled The Box for me so I know aliens are testing humanity. In Button Button it was obvious not a cut and dry normality to it but the last line in the story made it seem like it was more lonely in a crowd/connected but not tone. I'll get around to watching the movie anyway.
(Spoiler ends) I need to watch Eraserhead eventually, but it isn't my cup of tea. . .
MOVIE RECOMMENDATION: The Watch Honestly some people might not like it but I couldn't figure out the ending 'cause it's not the most conventional turn horror movies tend to take, but yeah. It builds up and the storyline covers the acting and music misuse.
I think music is important to movies but gosh, they mess it up a lot. Why is the music louder than the talking? You turn it up full volume just to hear people talking then you're deaf from a bad jump scare. Another thing. Movies shouldn't keep using jump scares. It removes the tension. I watch a movie (when I was a kid. It gave me nightmares. Rewatching it now, I realize I made it a better movie in my head.) and the scariest scene for me is at the beginning when the woman is travelling room to room to discover the source of dripping water. She never found it, so this unease follows you.
I read a review saying Eraserhead does this so eventually.
People ned to stop making documentry style horror movies. Admit it, you're only doing it cause it's cheaper. Well guess what? You're losing money on the people who run out of the theatre vomiting. Motion sickiness is a B!@&. Don't get me wrong, I love all 3 Paranormal Activity movies, but The Devil Within, Cloverfield, Blair Witch Project which of course started it all, but it gets annoying. I personally can't see why people were scared of the Blair Witch. I'm still trying to figure out the horror of a guy standing in the corner.
There was this one asian horror film, I think called Suicide Dolls, and it was documentry style suicides. The stories themselves are boring because there is no story, just a long period of time to prep for the suicides. I kept skipping through stuff to make sure their was something to it. The deaths are gory and slightly disturbing. And at the very, very end there it a random sex scene.
Which brings me to Let Me In. When the boy was sticking a tree, he just sounded retarded. I mean in the swedish version the kid looked weird doing it but not really stupid or pathetic. Oh and the bullies sound like they're raping the kid if you don't have movie screen to show what's going on. (Learned a co-worker who had the volume on his iphone on high. I thought he was watching some twisted porn. Imagine my surprise...) Anyway, I think it was the casting I disliked. The best part of the story is the vampire folklore being used as it was originally thought of. Can't beat that. I'm procrastinating writing a story so I better do stuff.
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